Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures and Traffic Patterns

Millburn Middle School Faculty/Staff Parking Lot:

The Middle Middle School Faculty/Staff Parking Lot is NOT a designated drop off area for students.  Cars entering the lot early in the morning are a hazard to Faculty and Staff entering the building. All students should be dropped off in one of the identified Drop-off areas.  Students taking advantage of the Before School Supervised Drop-off in the Cafeteria, should be dropped off using the Haddonfield drop-off circle and use the sidewalk and steps to navigate their way down to the cafeteria entrance.  Early morning drop-off is available starting at 6:45 am.   


Morning Arrival: Drop-off Procedures:  

The Haddonfield Entrance will be open at 7:15 am for students to enter the building.  Students arriving prior to 7:15 am must go to the cafeteria entrance and remain in the cafeteria with the assigned teachers until 7:15 am.


From Hobart Avenue school buses will be the only vehicles allowed to turn onto Whitney Road (the east-side entrance, closest to Old Short Hills Road).  


The other Whitney Road entrance (west-side of Whitney) is available for all other vehicles. Cars are to proceed down Whitney, turn left onto Hawthorne, left onto Haddonfield and proceed to Whitney.  Parents will bear right onto Whitney and join the car line as they merge left to Haddonfield, carline is to remain on the right-hand-side of Haddonfield as you approach the Middle School Drop Off area.  Buses and teachers will utilize the left-hand lane on Haddonfield as they approach the school. Parents and Guardians are asked to adhere to this drop off route and not to deviate from the recommended route to the car drop-off line/area.


An alternative to the Whitney/Haddonfield Drop-off line is the drop-off area on Brookside Drive.  Between 7:15 am and 7:30 am, parents are encouraged to use the drop-off area on Brookside Drive. The use of this area can help to alleviate traffic congestion and wait time in the Whitney/Haddonfield area.  Students that use the Brookside Drop-off can use the pedestrian bridge to cross Old Short Hills Road. 


Afternoon Dismissal: Pick-up/Departure Procedures:

All bussed students will exit the building and board the buses using the Haddonfield Road bus loading zone.   Buses depart the school at 2:40 pm, approximately 10 minutes after the dismissal bell. Students traveling home on the buses are encouraged to make their way to the bus loading area as soon as possible following the dismissal bell.   


Parents are requested to wait until the buses have departed from the Haddonfield Drop-Off Pick-up area at approximately 2:40 pm.  Please do not ask your child to meet you at the intersection of Whitney and Haddonfield Road as this is an extremely unsafe area for student due to the number of cars in the area during dismissal time.  Once the buses have departed, parents may enter the Haddonfield circle as space becomes available to pick up their child. Parents/guardians cannot block the entrance to the Faculty & Staff Parking lot while waiting in the car line.   



Wednesdays Peer Leadership 3:30 pm Pick-up

On Wednesdays, late pick-up is coordinated differently from pick-up on other days of the week because of the hundreds of students being released at the same time from the Peer Leader Program and other after-school activities.  Between 3:20 pm and 3:40 pm, all parents/guardians are to pick up their students in the Faculty & Staff Parking Lot. Parents are asked to pull their cars all the way to the backfield and wrap around to the left, forming a pick-up line next to the building.  Please refrain from asking your child to meet you in the circle or to walk to meet you in the car line. (This is the same set of procedures used for TGIF.) Peer Leader advisors will be in the parking lot to direct cars and further assist with the dismissal and pick-up of students on Wednesdays.  We ask that all parents follow this procedure so that we can continue to provide an orderly dismissal and keep everyone safe.


Parking at Millburn Middle School

Parking is limited.  During the school day, there is a limited number of parking spots in the Faculty/Staff Parking Lot reserved for Visitors.  Please take advantage of those spots if you have business to attend to. There is also two-hour parking on Haddonfield Road.


As a reminder, when large crowds are drawn to our school for special events, please be mindful of our neighbors-- avoid parking on the streets in the neighborhood behind the school.  Parents/guardians are welcome to park in the identified visitor parking spaces or take advantage of the additional parking lots in close proximity to the Middle School (Paper Mill lot, library lot and municipal parking lot -near the public works yard).  We ask that parents/guardians adhere to all parking signage posted both on and off school premises.